
Friday, January 14, 2011

projects for this weekend!

i have a three day weekend!  four if you count today, even though i do have a three hour class.

here is a list of the things i'm hoping to get done this weekend:

touch up the basement paint
clean/organize my office (again)
clean the house
dust the ceiling fans
install the new kitchen cabinet hinges
on top of the things we already have planned:
grocery shopping
birthday dinner for a friend tonight
bald eagle days tomorrow (brad loves big birds)
keep your fingers crossed for a productive (not lazy) weekend! 


Monday, January 10, 2011

the house list

waaaaaaaaaaay back in january of 2008, brad and i compiled room-by-room list of all the things we wanted to do to update the house.

well, this weekend, i found that list.  it's been hiding for a while, and to my surprise, i'd say we have about half of the things done.

let me give you a run down.  crossed off items have been completed, red items are new projects that have been added since we came up with this list, and that i can remember...i'm sure there are more, but this is what i have!!

-repaint house (had to go with siding thanks to a woodpecker!  but i love it!)
-paint shutters and front door (got new shutters and painted the front door YELLOW!)
-figure out garage door keypad
-landscaping (front, side, back)
-cut down dead tree in backyard (dad took care of this one!)
-new deck
-buy deck furniture (thank you awesome deal on craigslist!)
-buy deck rug
-new mailbox
-caulk back light fixture
-buy deck rug (yes, it's on here twice, i bought one, and it went to shit, so i want to buy another NICE one)

-touch up paint
-hang artwork/pictures (downstairs hallway, hallway up the stairs)
-find shelf thing for by the stairs (it's since been moved, but hey, i did find one!)
-runner for hallway
-paint trim?
-replace closet doors with bi-folds (i hate sliding closet doors!)

-new furniture (couch, tables, chairs, tv storage, extra storage pieces)
-reprint pictures for frames
-organize laundry room
-more storage shelves in laundry room
-new blinds for window in office area
-hang curtains
-hang artwork
-trunk for blanket storage
-wireless card for brad's computer (not needed now thanks to his new laptop)
-figure out storage for workout equipment
-touch up paint
-hang shelves
-paint trim
-paint doors
-new sliding door?
-tear down walls in office area to create more storage in the laundry room (makes more sense if you could actually see how SMALL the office really is)
-paint/install new door 

downstairs bathroom
-patch up paint (so frustrating with the texture crap they put on walls in wisconsin, i think i've actually given up)
-sand rough spots
-buy blinds
-hang artwork
-new fixtures and faucet
-new mirror
-new cabinet (painted the old one, looks good!)
-new toilet
-new door handle
-paint trim
-paint/install new door 
-take down or repaint cabinet in the shower room

-new hardware (the twigs are STILL up!)
-new countertops
-new stove
-new barstools
-new chairs for the end of the table
-clean appliances
-blinds or curtains
-refinish cabinets
-new ceiling fan/light over table
-new door handle for pantry door and basement door
-organize the shelves above the bar
-paint trim
-paint window
-paint sliding door?
-paint/install new door

upstairs hallway
-patch holes
-hang artwork
-buy blinds
-new screen for window
-new door handle for linen closet
-paint trim
-paint/install new door 

 office/third bedroom
-get rid of some furniture
-rearrange furniture
-clean out closet
-get some sort of craft storage system in place
-get design direction (figure out with brad what we want the room to be)
-patch holes
-new door handles
-new vent cover
-paint/install new doors

 upstairs bathroom
-paint sink area
-paint shower area
-new knobs
-new cabinets (painted the old, works for me!)
-new light fixtures
-new mirror(s)
-hang artwork
-new fixtures and faucets
-new toilet seat
-update fan system in shower room
-new door handes
-new vent covers
-fix ceiling in sink area
-paint/install new doors

 front room
-new lamps (got new shades made for old lamps, perfect!)

-built in bookshelves near fireplace
-hardwood floors (don't think this is going to happen anymore)
-buy furniture
-update art work (actually put pictures in frames)

and...i can't find the lists we made for the master or the guest room, so when i do, i'll add them to the growing list...


Sunday, January 9, 2011

it's been a long time!

inspired by this girl and her constant updates since starting her blog, i've decided to get back on the saddle and try this whole blogging thing again.  admittedly, it's mostly so that we can link to one another's blog and so i can direct my family and friends to a place to see what's going on in our lives and updates that are occurring throughout our house. 

so...first things first. 

let's talk 2011 goals.  if i call them resolutions, i'm sure i'll fail miserably, so i'm trying a new approach.

one: take care of myself, physically and mentally.

anyone else think it's easier to make sure your significant other is taking care of themselves than it is to keep yourself in check?  i do.  and don't get me started on what roscoe eats (homemade organic dog treats because i'm afraid of buying cheap ones and brad has a heart attack at the price of the organic ones in the pet stores).  at twenty-six i need to finally own this.  i need to start exercising regularly, eating better (even if it means getting up early to pack my lunch instead of getting lunch in the cafeteria at school), and making less excuses when it comes to cooking dinner.  i can cook, and i do really enjoy cooking.  but there are SO many nights i just don't want to...seems like way more effort than i actually have in me.  time to suck it up and get it done...and it's time to make sure that brad's cooking healthy things when it's his turn to cook. 

i also need to stop stressing over everything.  it's not worth it.  i mean, some things are worth it, but most aren't.

two: have a kick ass portfolio when i graduate in may. 

not just a good one.  but one that i'm truly proud of, one that will knock people's socks off.  if that means staying late at school to get things done all semester, i'm doing it.  these past two years mean nothing if i don't get a job, so i need to do EVERYTHING i can to make sure that happens.  i just hope that brad and roscoe can deal with it for five more months.

three: become better at updating this blog. 

blah blah blah.  i totally am the person that doesn't trust my google reader and checks my favorite websites probably ten times a day.  no lie.  and i get really disappointed when they aren't updated.  totally unfair, but totally true.  and if i hold other blogs to high standards, i should probably walk the walk as well.

four: (this may be to much information)...but i need to stop picking at my feet. 

gross, i know.  but dry feet run in the family.  they aren't "throw some lotion on them and it'll fix it" dry, they are "is that sandpaper in your sock" dry.  it's embarrassing.  especially since i hate socks.  HATE socks.  so i'm going to try my darndest to not pick them.  (i'm already failing miserably at this)

five: hang out with friends more.

whether it's hoping on a plane and flying out to see a friend, or inviting friends over for a quick dinner on a school/work night.  i need to do it more.  hopefully brad can help me with this one.  :)

six: finish projects around the house.

design is something i'm passionate about.  i love it.  i love everything about it.  but my house leaves something to be desired.  i get excited, paint the room, find some accessories, and then stop.  it's time to keep chugging away, finish all the projects that i start.  clean out the "need to be updated" thrifting drawer i have in my file cabinet. 

so, there you have it.  only six.  not too bad.  all seem pretty realistic.  i'm ready for 2011.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Who knew this was so much work?

When I started this blog, ummm, less than two months ago, I had no idea how hard it was. At first, I stayed on top of it. Who am I kidding, I stayed on top of it for like three days. I was using it as an excuse to get things done around the house while I was on summer vacation. Before I knew it, my summer class started and so did all of the homework that came with it. And now that it’s over, I feel like all I need to do is relax. But the thing is it wasn’t hard. I shouldn’t be relaxing. There is no need to relax. Either way I’m in a rut. Roscoe and I are hanging out together in our basement watching Friday Night Lights and friend M informed me today that I’m a movie/tv freak. These days I either have my nose in a book or my eyes glued to the TV. I need some inspiration, a spark, something to get me out of this funk. Hopefully it comes this weekend and I have a new blog post on Monday. Until then, happy weekend!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

things from around the world wide web...

schools started (and almost ended).  i haven't had time to do a full post or any fun projects, but i wanted to make sure i posted something to stay in the swing of things...

here are some things that i found tonight that i love...

who wouldn't mind having these adorable recipe boxes on their kitchen counter full time?...via design*sponge

seriously considering signing up for this when i'm addressing thank you cards after our wedding...

i love maine and design...please take me here...via casasugar

this is GREAT news!!!...via casasugar

along with a 50mm lens for my digital camera, i'd like a new flash...look at the difference it makes!

my class ends next week!  can't wait!  wahoo!

Friday, June 18, 2010

i adore thrifting

To procrastinate from doing homework and the endless amount of cleaning that I had (have) to do before Mr. Man's mom comes for the weekend, I decided to swing by my favorite thrift store in Madison.  The St. Vincent DePaul store on Jenny Street is the oldest and biggest here in town.  I'm never able to escape without putting my debit card to good use (or Mr. Man's). 

When I first started thrifting, I would always walk in looking for specific things, "A blank for the blank that I can do blank to."  And I never had good luck.  After changing my mindset to, "Just look to look, look at everything with an open mind," I've had much better luck.  I just slowly peruse and I look at everything.  Linens, housewares, books, magazines, frames, furniture, lamps, seriously EVERYTHING.  And these days, I hardly walk out without a cart full.  It drives Mr. Man nuts.  When we go together, I can tell when he's over it all.  He starts following me around the store, looking over my shoulder, literally breathing on my neck.  Drives me nuts.  So much so, that eventually I get so annoyed that I insist that we leave.  I think it's all part of his master plan. 

Anyway, Monday I went.  By myself.  And I loved every minute of it.  I normally go on the weekends, when it's crowded, people are all over the place, the aisles are crowded.  Monday, it was empty.  Me, one older lady, and the workers.  I was there for an hour and a half.  I left with GREAT goodies.

The houseware aisles are probably my favorite place to find different odds and ends.  I love looking for old juice glasses that I can turn into candles.  They put a smile on my face.  Also in these aisles I always scour for brass candlesticks and brass birds.  With a little sanding, spray metal primer, and spray paint, they turn into great updated accessories for our home.  Here are some candlesticks I found on Monday.

On this particular thrifting trove, I found this beautiful piece just staring at me.

I didn't hesitate, didn't think twice.  At a buck seventy, this owl was going home with me.  I have big plans for this napkin holder.  It's going to be great.

Updating brass is kinda a kick I've been on lately.  It screams dated in its original state, but with some imagination (and spray paint) it can be glorious.  So when I saw this lamp, I knew it was going home with me.  The fact that it has pull chains (my Grampa swears by those pull chains) and it has double bulbs (which I'm supposed to be calling lamps now, based on my lecture on Thursday) are mere bonuses!

This lamp immediately caught my eye.  I love the crackled glass spheres around the base.  I love the vintage brass floral decorations that went along with the spheres. 

But it's kind of a love/hate relationship.  When I put it in my cart, I loved it.  When I put it on the counter to check out with it, I hated it.  And my mind keeps waivering.  Hopefully I can find a shade that'll make me love it.  Should I paint the brass?  Or leave it in it's original shape?  Thoughts?  Ideas?  Help!  Here's a close up.

And finally, I love ornate, old frames.  I absolutely love finding them, spray painting them bright fun colors, using white mats, and framing original artwork or black and white photographs.  Here is the pile I gathered up on this latest adventure.

All for about $80.  The lamps were more than half of that.  But lamps are always expensive and these beauties are going to be one of the kind.  All the treasures I picked up will be.  And you can't put a price on unique objects going into your home. They help show your guests who you are, both individually and as a couple.  We don't want a house full of Potterybarn accents.  As appealing as they are, everyone has them. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

i'm a faker...

...when it comes to sewing.  On a whim four years ago, Mr. Man and I decided to buy some lounge chairs for our living room to provide guests with extra seating.  At the time, we only had a couch.  Well, we got the chairs at a couple of thrift stores, for a grand total of $15.  As comfortable as they were, they were ugly.  No problem I said, I'll just make slip covers for them.  At this point, Mr. Man gave me a puzzled look, "How?  With your magical sewing machine?"  I replied, full of sarcasm, "Yep, the magical one you're going to buy me."  Off to Target we went.  After HOURS of pinning and sewing, pinning and sewing, I finally had two slip covers made out of king sized sheets we also got a Target. 

And that ladies and gentleman, was my first time using a sewing machine.

Sure, since then I've made some pillows.  Hemmed a pair of pants or two.  But every time, I've winged it.  No pattern; just me, pins, fabric, and my sewing machine.  Basically, it's amateur hour of here.

With my new found confidence, my obsession with fabulous fabric began.  I started buying anything I loved, without thinking about what to do with it.  And quickly, my collection started busting at the seams (one day, I'll post a picture).  I've been saying for months, maybe even years, that I'll make dinner napkins out of all the fabric to give away as gifts and to keep on hand.  Well then life got in the way.  Fast forward to this summer and my tin jars.  I put off the napkin experiment yesterday and today was the day to put it into action.

I ran to Ace Hardware this morning before my breakfast date, spoke with this nice gentleman named Brad who was able to cut me a piece of plexiglass before I had time to stroll down the aisles of the store looking for more inspiration.  For a mere $12 (take that Hobby Lobby), I got my 18" x 18" square template to use for cutting my napkins.  WAHOO!  I was finally ready!  Here's how I made the magic happen.

I went to find the design*sponge DIY tutorial that I thought I book marked, but apparently didn't.  Wah wah.  (I did eventually find it).

Then, I decided to stop looking at the tutorial.  Step three of said tutorial is ridiculous, "press down a 1/4″ rolled hem on the top and bottom, pinning in place if necessary."  Uhhhh, what is a rolled hem?  So I did a quick google search and it turns out it requires a special foot for my sewing machine.  Well, that wasn't going to happen.

Next, I had to pick out fabric to make the napkins out of, grab the supplies I'll need to cut it with (cutting mat, rotary cutter, plexiglass square). I ended up with these three fun ones.

The red fabric is vintage fabric I picked up a while ago and the other two are from Hobby Lobby.  Anyway...

I laid out the fabric, put the plexiglass on top and went to tracing.

Here's a better shot of how the plexiglass helped guide the rotary cutter. 

So I went about cutting square after square after square.  Twenty squares later, I was ready to sew!

So, there I was.  All these perfect squares and not a clue as to how to sew them.  I mean, I know how to sew a straight seam, but I didn't want the raw edge to show.  So somehow, I had to roll the fabric under and sew it.  If I had three hands, I could have done it no problem.  If I had four, I could have gotten a good picture of my failed attempts.  I tried pinning it, but there wasn't really enough fabric to pin.
So, being the faker I am, I just started rolling the fabric with my hands. 

So, I twisted all four sides, on twelve napkins, and my wrist is still a little sore.  And, I'm in LOVE with the results.  At the beginning, I was worried about making sure all the seams on any given napkin were equal, but that soon became a thought of the past.  I came to the realization quickly that people are going to be wiping their mouths with these napkins and they aren't going to notice if the seams don't match, and if they do, they'll love the imperfections or they won't.  If they don't, they won't get any more goodies from me.  :)  And hey, an imperfect cloth napkin is better for the environment than a perfect paper napkin so I'm at peace with the imperfections. 

Here are all twelve of the finished lovelies. 

Here's an up close picture of the fabulous seaming job I did.  Try not to be super impressed.  I know, it's gonna be hard.  :)

And finally, this is a (bad) picture of a napkin when it's unfolded. 

Tomorrow's a new day, with new projects to work on!